“I believe ordinary people can make extraordinary change.
Leaders aren’t always activists, CEO’s, celebrities or politicians; leaders are people who have vision, take action and play their part in community!

My role is as a co-star with the lead actors pursuing change.”

— Jermaine Henry


I am passionate about creating a social impact and enterprise through my involvement in community arts and mental wellness. I’m focused is on facilitating BRAVE(R) spaces within the arts, culture, leadership and mental health ecosystem.

In my final year of university, I became heavily involved in community-based activity and soon after began performing, hosting and speaking at seminars and facilitating programs. It didn’t take long to realize that this is where I was comfortable. I felt confident, and most importantly, I was able to see that I was having a positive impact on those around me. I knew then that this was my passion...my vocation. 

Since then I’ve worked with many different groups and organizations around the world. I’v’e adapted to the virtual environment and approach the online space with a human perspective. How can we exchange our energy through platforms like zoom, slack and social media? I’m finding this is possible, however we must be intentional. These days I like to help groups and organizations process design and delivery transformational experiences hybrid. Let’s talk and see what is possible.

Past Clients
